Quality codes are applied to each data. They provide qualitative indications of the data acquired or if the time-series is missing data. The code assigned to each data takes into account sampling, sample storage, sample preparation for analysis, and analysis, as well as the scientific credibility of the data.
Code are as follows:
- 0: Data below detection limit
- 1: Sampling performed, but measurement not performed (sampling was performed but measurement was not possible because sample was lost; e.g. broken vial, misplaced, storage issue; missing value indicated as 999999 or -)
- 2: Good data, non-replicated sample (measurement that has been carried out under the best conditions of both sampling and analysis and that does not appear scientifically aberrant)
- 3: Questionable data (single measurement or average of replicates on which there is some doubt; for example, problem encountered during analysis or calibration, value differing significantly from those usually encountered, outside the precision limits, replicates scattered without reason, etc.; future users are advised to be wary of using this value)
- 4: Bad data (obviously bad data; however, the value is kept in the database because the measurement was made; future users are advised not to use this value)
- 5: Sampling performed, but value not yet reported (sampling performed but measurement not yet available; e.g. analysis delay; default value: 999999 or -)
- 6: Good data; average of several replicates (value averaged from several replicates performed on the same sample; value is good)
- 7: Good data; value acquired outside SOMLIT protocols (sampling and/or measurement and/or analysis carried out according to a protocol different from that recommended by SOMLIT; the value is good; contact the station’s scientific manager for more information)
- 8: Unflagged data (the value is indicated but has not yet been flagged)
- 9: No sample (the sampling was not performed, making the measurement of this parameter impossible; e.g. sea state condition not allowing sampling)